Hungarian Bible
Hungarian is the official language of Hungary.
For more information, see SIL Ethnologue code hun.
Hungarian Bibles to read online:
- Search the Hungarian Bible at
- Hungarian Bible from
- "újfordítás" ("New Translation") Bible
- The Gospel of John is available online with simple black and white illustrations.
- Free online verse-by-verse commentary for the Hungarian Bible.
Hungarian Bibles to purchase:
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From American Bible Society:
- The American Bible Society sells several editions of the Hungarian New Testament and the Hungarian Bible.
Mouseover the title for pricing info. Click on title for more information.
Hungarian New Testament:
- Hungarian New Testament - Easy to Read version (paperback)
Ujszovetseg - Egyszeru Forditas- Hungarian New Testament - contemporary version (hardback)
- Hungarian / Romanian Bilingual New Testament (hardback)
Noul Testament / Ujszovetseg- Hungarian / Slovakian Bilingual New Testament (hardback)
Nova Zmluva / Ujszovetseg- Hungarian / German Bilingual New Testament (hardback)
Die Gute Nachricht / UjszovetsegHungarian Bibles:
- Hungarian Reference Bible - 1975 Version (hardback)
- Hungarian Family Bible - Katolikus Biblia (hardback)
- Mid-size Hungarian Bible (hardback) Szent Biblia Karoli Gaspar
- Mid-size Hungarian Chatolic Bible (hardback)
- Mid-size Hungarian Bible (leather)
Ujforditasu Borkotesu Magyar Biblia- Small Hungarian Karoli Bible (hardcover)
- Hungarian Pocket Bible (small paperback)
Magyar Ujszovetseg Kiszi Meret- Hungarian Study Bible (hardback) Biblia Magyarazo Jegyzekkel
- Hungarian Study Bible (leather) Biblia Magyarazo Jegyzekkel
- Hungarian Bible (hardback)
Magyarorszagi Reformatus Egyhaz Kalvin Kiado- Hungarian Large Print Family Bible - Catholic (hardcover)
- Hungarian Bible (hardcover)
Biblia Magyar / Valogatas a Vizsolyi Bibliabol- Hungarian Large Print Karoli Bible (hardcover)
- Hungarian Large Family Bible - Leather bound, full-page color illustrations
- Hungarian Leather Bible - Karoli Version - Magyar Bor Biblia
- New Hungarian Picture Bible in 3 Volumes (hardcover)
Uj Kepes Biblia 3 Kotetben / Szines Illustraciokka
- Hungarian - Gypsy Children's Bible (Hardcover)
- Hungarian Children's Bible (Hardcover) 190 pg
Az En Kepes Bibliam Gyerekeknek- Come with Us to Visit Bible Times (Hardcover) 74 pages
Gyere Velunk a Biblia Koraba!Audio Bibles:
- Hungarian New Testament - Karoli (MP3 CD)
- Hungarian OLD Testament (MP3 CD)
- Hungarian New Testament (audio cassettes)
- Hungarian Audio New Testament (audio MP3 CD)
Hungarian Christian Books
- Hungarian Bible Atlas (Bibliai Atlasz) (hardcover - 218 pages)
- Bibliai Lexikon gyerekeknek / Magyar Hungarian (hardcover - 183 pages)
- Scofield Notes to the Hungarian Bible [Paperback]
Magyarazo Jegyzetek a Bibliahoz / C.I. Scofield- William Carey - A Modern Misszió Atyja [Paperback]
The "JESUS" Film, based on the Gospel of Luke, has been translated into Hungarian. To order, visit Or order by phone from Campus Crusade at 1-800-432-1997.
The Four Spiritual Laws gospel tract has been translated into Hungarian. Download a free pdf or purchase the Print Your Own Gospel Tracts CD from Campus Crusade.
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