Swedish Bible
Swedish is the official language of Sweden (Europe).
For more information, see SIL Ethnologue code swe.
Swedish Bibles to read online:
- The Unbound Bible can display the Swedish Bible in parallel with English and other languages.
- Swedish Bible from Biblica.com (formerly the International Bible Society).
- Swedish Bible (1917 edition)
- Two versions of the Swedish Bible from Bible Gateway.
Swedish Bibles to purchase:
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From Biblica.com (formerly International Bible Society):
- Swedish New Testament
Low cost paperbackfrom Amazon.com:
Mouseover the title for pricing info. Click on title for more information.
Swedish Bible:
- Swedish Bible - New Translation 2000 (Hardcover)
- Swedish Bible (Hardcover)
- Swedish Life Application Study Bible (Leather)
Handbok för Livet är en av de populäraste studiebiblarna internationellt och i Sverige är denna tryckning den sjunde.- Swedish Study Bible (Leather)
Illustrationer, bibellexikon, bibelkommentarer, bibelhandbok, talkoder för hebreiska/grekiska, kedjehänvisningar och mycket mer.- Swedish Bible - 1971 (Hardcover)
Bibeln Eller Den Heliga Skrift- Swedish Bible - 1971 (Hardcover)
BIBELN - Den Heliga Skrift / Svenska Folkbibeln - Miniformat Konstskinn Röd- Swedish Bible (Soft cover)
- Swedish Bible (Soft cover)
Bibeln Konfirmandutgåva / Bibel 2000- Swedish Bible with Apocrypha (Hardcover)
- Swedish Bible with Deuterocanonical Books (Hardcover)
- Swedish Reference Bible with Deuterocanonical Books and Maps (Soft cover)
- Swedish Bible Readings for the Family (1890 edition)
Bibellasningar for Familjekresten- Reproduction of 1923 Swedish Bible
Swedish New Testament:
- Swedish New Testament (paperback)
- Swedish New Testament (paperback)
Företagar Bibel: Nya testamentet - Svenska Folkbibeln- Swedish New Testament for Young People (paperback)
Studentbibel - Nya testamentet- Swedish Life Application Study New Testament (leather)
- Reproduction of 1923 Swedish New Testament (paperback)
- Reproduction of 1923 Swedish New Testament (paperback)
Novum Testamentum Graece Post Ioh
- Swedish Audio New Testament (22 Audio CD set)
Swedish Children's Bibles
- The Lion Bible for Children in Swedish Language (hardcover - 352 pages)
- The Bible for Children in Swedish Language - Vol 1 and 2 (hardcover - 898 pages)
Bibelns Skattkammare I-II Tjugo berattelser fran Gamla Testamentet and Nya Testamentet- MANGA MESSIAH - Swedish edition (hardcover comic book format - 288 pages)
- The Jesus Storybook - Swedish edition (hardcover - 348 pages)
BerättelseBIBELN: Varje berättelse viskar namnet JesusSwedish Christian Books
- Christian Hymnal - Swedish Language (hardcover)
The "JESUS" Film, based on the Gospel of Luke, has been translated into Swedish. To order, visit jesusfilmstore.org. Or order by phone from Campus Crusade at 1-800-432-1997.
The Four Spiritual Laws gospel tract has been translated into Swedish. Download a free pdf or purchase a CD to Print Your Own Gospel Tracts from Campus Crusade.
Thru the Bible, the classic five-year radio Bible study with Dr. J. Vernon McGee, is broadcast daily on the internet in Swedish.
Find more Swedish Gospel Videos, Tracts and Other Resources at Ethnic Harvest's main site.
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