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Cross-Cultural Activities for Churches

Doing things together is a great way for your church to develop relationships with people of other cultures. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Attend a program presented by ethnic people on their site
  2. Invite an ethnic church or organization to present a program on your site
  3. Share a meal with an ethnic church or organization
  4. Do a physical work project in the community, or to benefit an elderly or disabled person or a family of recent immigrants
  5. Share a meeting or special event of your youth group, women's group, men's group, etc.
  6. Plan a picnic or outing together
  7. Share a film series
  8. Plan a special class in your Sunday School; invite ethnic leaders to speak
  9. Pulpit exchange with an ethnic church
  10. Teacher or worker exchange
  11. Plan a joint vacation Bible school, youth night or other youth activity
  12. Exchange correspondence, tapes, or pictures
  13. Share sports activities
  14. Sponsor an immigrant family
  15. Offer English classes at your church

(1) Excerpted with permission from "The Stranger Who is Among You"
James Duren and Rod Wilson, William Carey Library, 1983.

How to Start

Opportunities for Cross-Cultural Ministry

Overcoming Our Fears

Working Through Cultural Differences

Celebrating Diversity


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