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Ethnic Church Planting
Funding Sources
The Mustard Seed Foundation awards matching grants to churches which meet their criteria. In North America, they focus on start-up churches in urban areas, including multi-ethnic local churches that are led by indigenous minority leadership. They give priority to small, dynamic start-up initiatives that plan to become locally managed or sustained, and do not provide ongoing support for projects that began more than 12 months ago. Here are examples of past projects they have funded:
- Costs of a congregation starting a daughter congregation in another part of its city
- Summer camp scholarships for children
- College scholarship funds
- Direct costs for hands-on ministry
- Costs for starting a residential recovery ministry
- Cost of discipleship and training materials
- Capital for starting a revolving loan fund for poor believers
Contact The Mustard Seed Foundation for more information.
Church Planting Links
Ethnic Harvest has several related articles, including Urban Cross-Cultural Church Planting Models, by Jerry L. Appleby, reprinted with permission from Association of Nazarenes in Social Research.
The Church Planting Institute Online provides practical answers to church planting questions. Their site includes free articles in English, Albanian, Chinese, Chichewa, Illocano, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Slovenian.
The Urban Ministry Institute facilitates strategic partnerships with urban churches in order to multiply of Kingdom-oriented churches among America's urban poor. Here's a quote from their site:"Through the liberty won for all peoples through the death and resurrection of Christ, vital church planting movements among the poor must affirm the freedom of cultural neutrality. One need not change cultures in order to become a follower of Jesus Christ! All people groups (and the churches planted within them) are free in Christ to embody the faith within their own ethnicity and culture, expressing allegiance to him in light of their own unique cultural experience, under the lordship of Christ."
The Necessity of People Group Identity: The Importance of Contextualization
Mis-Links offers thousands of mission-related links, including an excellent resource list for church planting.
The Send Network is a ministry of the North American Mission Board. Their site offers free articles including a free ebook, 5 Essentials for Church Planters. They also offer free articles in Spanish.
Church Planting Books
Follow the link to Amazon.com for descriptions and reviews. (Your online purchases support our ministry. Thank you!)
The Indigenous Church
by Melvin L. Hodges
Gospel Publishing House
Indigenous Church Planting, a Practical Journey
by Charles Brock
Church Growth International![]()
Global Church Planting: Biblical Principles and Best Practices
by Craig Ott and Gene Wilson
Baker Academic
One New People: Models for Developing a Multiethnic Church
by Manuel Ortiz
Intervarsity Press
Ten Most Common Mistakes Made by Church Starts
by Jim Griffith and Bill Easum
Chalice Press
Discovering Church Planting: An Introduction to the Whats, Whys, and Hows of Global Church Planting
by J.D. Payne
IVP Books
The Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting: A Guide for Starting Any Kind of Church
by Aubrey Malphurs
Baker Books
Church Planting: Laying Foundations
by Stuart Murray and J. Nelson Kraybill
Herald Press
Planting Churches Cross-Culturally: North America and Beyond
by David Hesselgrave
Baker Book House
Church Planting in the African-American Context
by Hozell C. Francis
Zondervan Publishing House
Planting Growing Churches for the 21st Century:
A Comprehensive Guide for New Churches and Those Desiring Renewal
by Aubrey Malphurs,
Aubrey Talphurs,
Joe Aldrich
Baker Book House
A Heart for the City: Effective Ministries to the Urban Community
by John Fuder (Editor)
Moody Press
Planning Strategies for Evangelism
by Edward Dayton
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.
* Read our article on Friendship Evangelism for practical suggestions for building cross-cultural friendships.
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