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Washington State
Detail from USA Census 2000
Total population |
5,757,739 |
***** |
***** |
Native |
5,166,413 | 5,121,124 | 5,211,702 |
Born in United States |
5,068,393 | 5,023,711 | 5,113,075 |
State of residence |
2,734,250 | 2,622,368 | 2,846,132 |
Different state |
2,334,143 | 2,250,099 | 2,418,187 |
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to |
98,020 | 87,675 | 108,366 |
Foreign born |
591,326 | 546,037 | 636,615 |
Naturalized citizen |
257,190 | 233,387 | 280,993 |
Not a citizen |
334,136 | 300,611 | 367,661 |
Entered 1990 to 2000 |
278,892 | 247,314 | 310,470 |
Entered before 1990 |
312,434 | 283,394 | 341,474 |
Foreign-born population with region of birth reported |
591,326 |
546,037 |
636,615 |
Europe |
133,181 | 114,970 | 151,392 |
Asia |
258,193 | 228,661 | 287,725 |
Africa |
12,758 | 6,318 | 19,198 |
Oceania |
9,730 | 5,031 | 14,429 |
Latin America |
136,692 | 116,324 | 157,060 |
Northern America |
40,772 | 34,850 | 46,694 |
Population 5 years and over |
5,378,974 |
5,369,232 |
5,388,716 |
English only |
4,643,624 | 4,592,123 | 4,695,125 |
Language other than English |
735,350 | 681,672 | 789,028 |
Speak English less than "very well" |
326,825 | 290,584 | 363,066 |
Spanish |
260,069 | 229,237 | 290,901 |
Speak English less than "very well" |
122,397 | 99,853 | 144,941 |
Other Indo-European languages |
175,570 | 152,209 | 198,931 |
Speak English less than "very well" |
67,211 | 49,820 | 84,602 |
Asian and Pacific Islander languages |
271,222 | 246,102 | 296,342 |
Speak English less than "very well" |
129,419 | 113,904 | 144,934 |
Other languages |
28,489 | 19,124 | 37,854 |
Speak English less than "very well" |
7,798 | 4,249 | 11,347 |
Total Population |
5,757,739 |
***** |
***** |
Arab |
9,782 | 5,377 | 14,188 |
Czech |
31,116 | 23,016 | 39,216 |
Danish |
76,361 | 63,940 | 88,782 |
Dutch |
145,039 | 129,338 | 160,740 |
English |
805,903 | 771,956 | 839,850 |
French (except Basque) |
240,698 | 224,658 | 256,738 |
French Canadian |
48,183 | 39,351 | 57,015 |
German |
1,226,275 | 1,187,751 | 1,264,799 |
Greek |
20,704 | 15,191 | 26,217 |
Hungarian |
21,839 | 13,432 | 30,246 |
Irish |
711,597 | 676,424 | 746,770 |
Italian |
207,075 | 189,045 | 225,105 |
Lithuanian |
8,979 | 5,575 | 12,383 |
Norwegian |
383,070 | 355,132 | 411,008 |
Polish |
93,759 | 82,011 | 105,507 |
Portuguese |
25,752 | 18,985 | 32,519 |
Russian |
92,960 | 76,714 | 109,206 |
Scotch-Irish |
150,268 | 136,126 | 164,410 |
Scottish |
191,106 | 175,588 | 206,624 |
Slovak |
6,917 | 4,290 | 9,544 |
Subsaharan African |
20,023 | 12,700 | 27,346 |
Swedish |
250,048 | 227,153 | 272,943 |
Swiss |
42,675 | 35,153 | 50,197 |
Ukrainian |
36,413 | 20,124 | 52,702 |
United States or American |
288,921 | 256,099 | 321,743 |
Welsh |
68,866 | 60,253 | 77,479 |
West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) |
1,777 | 548 | 3,006 |
The Census 2000 Supplementary Survey universe is limited to the household population and excludes the population living in institutions, college dormitories, and other group quarters. Data are based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. The degree of uncertainty for an estimate is represented through the use of a confidence interval. The confidence interval computed here is a 90 percent confidence interval and can be interpreted roughly as providing 90 percent certainty that the true number falls between the lower and upper bounds. School enrollment estimates from the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey will tend to be lower than similar estimates from the 2000 Census and 2000 Current Population Survey because the school enrollment estimates from the Census 2000 Supplementary Survey do not include individuals residing in group quarters, such as college dormitories. 1. An '*' entry in the lower and upper bound columns indicates that too few sample observations were available to compute a standard error and thus the lower and upper bounds. A statistical test is not appropriate. 2. An '**' entry in the lower and upper bound columns indicates that no sample observations were available to compute a standard error and thus the lower and upper bounds. A statistical test is not appropriate. 3. An '-' entry in the estimate column indicates that no sample observations were available to compute an estimate. 4. An '-' following a median estimate means the median falls in the lowest interval of an open-ended distribution. 5. An '+' following a median estimate means the median falls in the upper interval of an open-ended distribution. 6. An '***' entry in the lower and upper bound columns indicates that the median falls in the lowest interval or upper interval of an open-ended distribution. A statistical test is not appropriate. 7. An '*****' entry in the lower and upper bound columns indicates that the estimate is controlled. A statistical test is not appropriate. 8. An 'N' entry in the estimate, lower bound, and upper bound columns indicates that data for this geographic area cannot be displayed because the number of sample cases is too small. |