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Multicultural and Missions Resources for Kids
Growing Up Yanomam'o:
Missionary Adventures in the Amazon Rainforest
by Mike Dawson
Grace Acres Press (2009)
What better way to interest your family and church in missions than with a true-life story of growing up with a stone-age culture? This exciting new book tells what it was like to grow up with the animals, nature and people of a South American jungle community. The author is part of the Dawson family, which has made a three-generation family commitment to share the Good News with this Venezuelan tribe.
Operation Mobilization in New Zealand has a great children's mission site called World Champions, with fun activity booklets for cultures worldwide.
ChildrenSermons.com offers 136 free 5-minute children's sermons. Los sermones para niņos en espaņol también.
ChristianAnswers.Net offers gospel coloring pages for kids in Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish,and Tagalog.
MK Connection is a place where missionary kids can connect and find resources.
Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church has free information online with ideas you can use at your church or VBS.
Your children will love saving to give an animal to a hungry family through The Heifer Project. Heifer Project provides animals to families in countries around the world so they can feed themselves and become self-reliant. Heifer.org offers free lesson plans, coloring sheets and more that you can use in your school or your church.
Christian & Missionary Alliance sells a variety of teaching materials for grades 1 to 6, books for program leaders, and more. Their web site also offers a free download of Faith Promise Missions and Activity Booklet for in-house church duplication.
The UK Information Service for World Mission has an extensive resource list with web resources and publications for missionary families and home schoolers.
The Mailbox Club mails out free Bible studies in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese to children, teens, or adults.
For more great children's resources, visit:
- Children's Bibles in Many Languages
- Books for Kids with a Missions Theme,
- Books for Kids with a Multicultural Theme or Activities,
- Spanish Books for Kids
- Books to Help Kids Learn a Foreign Language
- Bible Flannel Boards for Sunday School, ESL and Homeschooling
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