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Missions Books for Kids

Many of these books are available at your local bookstore. Follow the link to Amazon.com for descriptions and reviews.
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Windows on the World: When We Pray, God Works
by Daphne Spraggett, Jill Johnstone
Bethany Press, 2001. For Ages 4 to 8 (and older)
A great introduction to missions!

From Arapesh to Zuni: A Book of Bibleless Peoples
by Karen Lewis
Intl Academic Bookstore, 1986. For Ages 3 to 10.

Teaching Kids to Care and Share: 300+ Mission & Service Ideas for Children
by Jolene L. Roehlkepartain. Abingdon Press, 2000.

Deserts and Jungles: A Child's Guide to God's Contrasting Climates
by Michael W. Carroll.
Chariot Victor Publishing, 1999. Reading level: Ages 9-12

Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World
by Deb Brammer with Grace Kim (Illustrator)
Bob Jones Univ Press, 1995. Reading level: Ages 9-12

Missions Made Fun for Kids
by Elizabeth Whitney Crisci
Accent Books, 1994.

Fun Around the World
by Mary Branson
Womans Missionary Union, 1992

Careful Enough? The story of a missionary family in China
by Dillon Forbes. JourneyForth Press, 2008.

Even the Sound Waves Obey Him: Bible Stories Brought to Life With Science
by Nancy B. Kennedy. Concordia Publishing House, 2006.
Reading level: Ages 4-8.

Make It Shake It Mix It Up: 44 Bible Stories Brought to Life With Science
by Nancy B. Kennedy. Concordia Publishing House, 2007
Reading level: Ages 4-8.

Children in Crisis
by Glenn Myers
OM Publishing, 1998. 64 pages
Learn how to pray for children who live with war and poverty.

Reach Around the World
by Bob and Sandy Friesen
Gospel Pub House, 1999.

Kids for the World: A Guidebook for Children's Mission Resources
by Gerry Dueck.
William Carey Library Publications, 1990.

Books for Missionary Kids

Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World
by Deb Brammer with Grace Kim (Illustrator)
Bob Jones Univ Press, 1995. Reading level: Ages 9-12.

The Third Culture Kid Experience: Growing Up Among Worlds
by David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken
Intercultural Press

Where in the World Are You Going?
by Judith M. Blohm
Intercultural Press, 1996

You Know You're an Mk When...
by Andy and Deborah Kerr
Watermelon World Publishing, 1997.

Children of the Call: Issues Missionaries' Kids Face
by Charlene Gray, Rebecca Nelson (Editor).
New Hope Publishers, 1998.

Being a Christian: A Study Book for Children
by David Walters and Dave Odell (Illustrator).
Good News Fellowship Ministries, 1994. Reading level: Ages 9-12

I Want to Know About the Bible
by Rick Osborne (Creator) with K. Christie Bowler
Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. Reading level: Ages 9-12

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