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Index of Articles on Cross-Cultural Ministry
Urban Cross-Cultural Church Planting Models, by Jerry L. Appleby.
Reprinted with permission from Association of Nazarenes in Social Research
Dr. James Duren has granted us permission to reprint the following excerpts from his book on cross-cultural minstry, The Stranger Who Is Among You. The book was written by James Duren and Rod Wilson, and was originally published by the William Carey Library.
- "How to Start a Cross-Cultural Ministry"
- "Opportunities for Cross-Cultural Ministry"
- "Overcoming Our Fears"
- "Working Through Cultural Differences"
- "Celebrating Diversity"
- "Activities for Churches"
Coaching and Culture by Dr. Keith E. Webb.
Reprinted with permission from CreativeResultsManagement.com.
Guidelines for Ethical Standards in Cross-Cultural Ministry Contexts by Paul Grant.
Reprinted with permission from John Mark Ministries (http://jmm.aaa.net.au).
Steve Ujvarosy has given us permission to reprint excerpts from the book Transforming the City: Appreciating Cultural Richness, and Biblical Foundations of Urban Ministry.
Ray Levesque has granted us permission to reprint Ten Things I Learned About Native Ministries.
Biblical "Man of Peace" is Key to Starting New Outreach, by Erich Bridges.
Reprinted with permission from Baptist Press.
What Color is Jesus? How Can We Present Jesus to a New Culture without Bringing Our Own? by By David Learner
Reprinted with permission from Mission Frontiers, the magazine of the U.S. Center for World Mission
"Ethnic Church Planting: A Documentation of the Work of Dr. Chris Thomas,"
written by Nancy Kruger in Spring 1994. Dr. Chris Thomas has planted 14 ethnic churches in various languages in the Seattle area.
"The Challenge of the Ethnic Millennium," by Russell Begaye. This was the keynote address at the 1999 Mission America Conference on Ethnic Ministries.
Conflict Resolution in Chinese Churches, by Johan Fu
reprinted with permission from Chinese Around The World, March 2001, pages 6-11.
Dr. George Yancey has given us permission to reprint an excerpt from his book, Beyond Black and White: Reflections on Racial Reconciliation, published by Baker Book House.
Jim Sutherland, Director of Reconciliation Ministries Network, has granted permission to reprint his article, Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry.
- The Bible is Multi-Cultural and Above Culture
- Communication, and the Divisions Caused by Sin
- A Biblical Theology of Missions and Worldview
- Degrees of Cross Cultural Ministry
- Principles of Cross Cultural Ministry: Incarnation
- Principles of Cross Cultural Ministry: Studying Cultures
- Principles of Cross Cultural Ministry: Relationship Building
- Principles of Cross Cultural Ministry: Cross Cultural Teaching
David F. D'Amico, Ph.D., Representative of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) to the United Nations Diplomatic Community, has granted us permission to reprint his article, "Evangelization Across Cultures in the United States," originally published in Review and Expositor:
- Evangelization Across Cultures in the United States
- Understanding the Context
- Selected Data of Cross-Cultural Evangelization
- Analysis of Selected Cultural/Ecclesiological Enclaves
- Envisioning the Future: Theological Issues
- Envisioning the Future: Missiological Issues
- Envisioning the Future: Ecclesiological Issues
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Links to Articles at Other Sites
"Blends of multiethnic churches" by D.J. Chang discusses the different "flavors" of mono-cultural, mixed race, and truly diversified church ministries.
Phillip Howell has published an informative blog post on Multi-Ethnic Church Planting.
"Hues in the Pews" reports the findings of a nationwide study out of Rice University to assess the current state of diversity in the church. The article is reprinted at a site called Race Matters, and was originally published in the February 28, 2001 issue of the Christian Century magazine.
The archives at Christianity Today Magazine offer relevant articles, including:
- Missions Leaders Seek to 'De-Westernize' Gospel, by Ted Olsen, February 3, 1997,
- Reaching Out to Latinos, by Rodolpho Carrasco, September 6, 1999,
The Traveling Team is a group of mission mobilizers who travel to Christian campuses to challenge students with a call to missions. Their web site offers a number of articles on ministry to Internationals.
The Church of the Nazarene website offers several books online for free download, including two on multicultural ministry:
- E Pluribus Unum: Challenges and Opportunities in Multicultural Ministry: a compilation of essays focusing on how to reach immgrant populations through various missional strategies.
- The Urban Imperative compiled by David M. Best - a helpful tool providing scriptural and historial foundations for urban ministry, as well as essentials for sustaining service in the city.
DISCLAIMER -- Please note that there's no way we can possibly screen all the text on all the web sites or items we recommend. We try to check them out first... but if we miss something, please don't assume that the opinions on those sites are identical to ours. "Eat the corn, leave the cob!"
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